This red-orange wasp with vibrantly blue wings is a Spider Wasp. They're about 1/2 - 1 inch long, and have thin dark brown rings around their red-orange abdomens. Spider wasps, so named because they paralyze spiders and lay their eggs in the still living arachnids, can be found all over; this particular kind, Tachypompilus ferrugineus (that's what it looks like), I've seen pictures people have sent to bug sites from down in Texas up to Pennsylvania.
I don't know what else to say: pointy-ended wasp abdomen, brown antenna, six legs... red-orange body and bright-jewel-toned blue wings.
I saw another Spider Wasp today (9-4-09) stuck in my window, this was was dark blue to black bodied with red wings and about 1.25 inches long. I just thought it was interesting that they're both Spider Wasps, but the coloring is flipped.
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