Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Updates Soon

This blog was started as a project nearly 10 years ago in order for me to learn about my new surroundings.  I lost track of that project once life got more busy in Texas, and eventually we moved back to the Midwest.

Now I have several curious little minds who love the outdoors and ask questions like: "why do trees look different?" "what kind of bird is that?" "what is that plant?".  The idea is to work together and learn new things.  What a kindergartner will learn might be a bit basic for a middle school kid, but what an elementary age child might learn would amaze a toddler.  Each of us will be able to write and post what we have seen, observations we've made, and species we've identified.

There will be no strict update schedule, but because we're all in this together hopefully it will be much sooner than nine and a half years before another post shows up.

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