You mite see a male cardinal in a goldfinch nest by the young goldfinches, he is not baby siting, he caught too much and doesn't want to throw it away. They will also feed baby jays (not by the parents!) and even other cardinals. (once again, the parents don't see)

Okay, most cardinals are red, but some yellow cardinals are out there, males that are yellow, thats all they are, they are vary rare, they are not endangered, they are different in the sense that you can be born with one arm or leg, the same thing happened.

Now, females are fawn-brownish, and clearly not as brightly colored as her mate, but thats good, because, think of a male bird of paradise siting on a nest, easy to see. To her, if she wants to hide, she flies to a tree, and she's gone.
By A, age 10
(all pictures credit to google image search)